Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s

I own a pr of BHK 300’s but looking to upgrade the LUX M900U. I’m looking for feedback from people who have had experience with both amps or at least the LUX amp. 
Thanks Mike.
Hi Mike,

Now that's a tough one as they are 2 different presentations. Can you share you room size and the other components before I comment?

@blumartini I have been hoping to hear such a comparison, as well, and have this thread on my "watch" list.  Like Mike, I also own BHK 300 mono's, and am contemplating an amp upgrade, with the Luxman M900u on my short list, so can I jump in for your assessment?

My room is 22.5' x 15' x 7.75' and I am driving some TAD CR-1's with the amps.  I have a Lampizator Pacific DAC fed by an Antipodes DX II server for digital.  My analog is a Technics SL-1200G with a Triplanar U12 arm and I alternate between a Benz LP-S MR and a VAS Boron Signature for cartridge.  Phono preamp is an ARC Reference 2 SE, and line level preamp is a PS Audio BHK Signature.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the Luxman M900u in comparison to BHK 300 mono's in this system.  Thanks!
Very interesting mix,  and have to say "Great Dac" Love what Lampizator does to digital but don't want to get carried away with that topic.

Now regarding the real question regarding Luxman 900U VS BHK Sig 300. I can say I have had 1st. had front row seating with both and I guess I can speak more towards their individual sound DNA characteristics.

Lets Start with the Luxman 900U since you already have the BHK'S. My experience with the Luxman 900U had a Esoteric K1 Dac with Wilson Audio Sasha 2 as a benchmark. in a similar size room or a tad smaller. My Comment is only a general overview of the sound signature. The Luxman hands down has cleaner pristine mids with nice body in the vocals with some very intoxicating smoothness. I think that you will find more detail cymbals background instruments more with the luxman. Luxman power is truly amazing but at double the wpc I give that to BHK. This a tough one because both amps do things differently. For romantic warmth sound stage/Imaging and holographic I give it to BHK. Now for purley musical smoothness tonal balance, imaging, air and space leaning towards a tube sound if I may say, then go Luxman hands down.

They are both great amps and both will behave differently depending on your components and music genre.

Hope this helps. 
@blumartini Thanks for your comments!  Without sidetracking too much, yes, I love the Lampizator Pacific DAC, and the line in general.  I had the Big 7 and Golden Gate prior, so I clearly resonate with Lukasz's sonic priorities.

Onto the amps, I am a little uncertain about the tonal spectrum comparison.  From your comments, I am gathering that you hear the Luxman as the more tonally neutral vs. the BHK's "romantic warmth".  But you also ascribe "tube sound" to the Luxman, and I usually think of that as imparting some romantic warmth.  This is a crucial distinction for me, as my TAD's do need some warmth to tame their character for my tastes, and I do like that I can tune the sound a bit with the BHK through the input tube choice.  I have opted for Amperex 6922 white labels from the 1960's that help with the warmth, without bringing the kind of dulling that I typically hear with a Mullard type of move.

So, the BHK is the warmer sounding of the two?  Is that correct?