Luxman M900U vs Ps audio BHK 300’s

I own a pr of BHK 300’s but looking to upgrade the LUX M900U. I’m looking for feedback from people who have had experience with both amps or at least the LUX amp. 
Thanks Mike.
Hi Mike,

Now that's a tough one as they are 2 different presentations. Can you share you room size and the other components before I comment?

@blumartini I have been hoping to hear such a comparison, as well, and have this thread on my "watch" list.  Like Mike, I also own BHK 300 mono's, and am contemplating an amp upgrade, with the Luxman M900u on my short list, so can I jump in for your assessment?

My room is 22.5' x 15' x 7.75' and I am driving some TAD CR-1's with the amps.  I have a Lampizator Pacific DAC fed by an Antipodes DX II server for digital.  My analog is a Technics SL-1200G with a Triplanar U12 arm and I alternate between a Benz LP-S MR and a VAS Boron Signature for cartridge.  Phono preamp is an ARC Reference 2 SE, and line level preamp is a PS Audio BHK Signature.

I would love to hear your thoughts about the Luxman M900u in comparison to BHK 300 mono's in this system.  Thanks!