What does one purchase after owning horns?

I have owned Avantgarde Uno's and sold them because of the lack of bass to horn integration. I loved the dynamics, the midrange and highs. Now faced with a new speaker purchase, I demo speakers and they sound lifeless and contrived. The drama and beauty of live music and even the sound of percussion insturments like a piano are not at all convincing. I have an $8k budget for speakers give or take a thousand. My room is 13'X26' firing down the length. Any good ideas will be appreciated. My music prefrences are jazz/jazz vocalist.

I'm surprised you could stop rubbing one long enuff to type your response.

Bugger off !!!
If someone said horns are better than everything else they are full of shit, right along with the attitude of Unsound and Weseixas.
I heard These custom GOTO horns last year at capital Audiofest in DC.

They were among the best in show and a lot of fun to listen to.

The presenters shyed away from playing anything digital though. Their phono rig was much superior to the CD setup. I had to take what I hard with a grain of salt as a result.
>>04-01-11: Shadorne
I see you are just a troll trying to pick a fight<<

That's what he does on his day off from Wal Mart.

Back to work tomorrow though.

"Home and Garden, line one please"
