Reading the responses of 'horn lovers' as well as the technical side from Duke, makes me realize, or at least form an opinion of the tastes of some of those Horn Lovers.
They share the common love of live music and unlike others, aren't really willing to forgive the lack of dynamic transfer that exists in virtually all, (even horns, but to a lesser degree) loudspeakers.
We all compromise, humm, pat our feet and try and pretend that it sounds live at home--sometimes deluding ourselves into that 'Wow, I'm really there moment.'
When I was railing about the horrible Wilson Audio frequency sweeps a while back, I kept shaking my head at the lack of indignation of others, at the poor showing on the test bench that Wilson's almost always exhibit. (That ought to really piss some folks off, sorry). But, all I was really doing was stating MY THRESHOLD of disbelief, which goes immediately to the tonal balance of loudspeakers.
I personally can forgive the lack of dynamics, frankly, really loud bothers my ears, I overload easily, to the point of leaving a really expensive Phoebe Snow concert, sitting in the lobby to listen.
BUT, then if the tonal balance is off, I cringe, and stupidly thought everyone else would be up in arms too.
Horn lovers on the other hand 'can't accept' lack of dynamics.
Blonde versus Brunette, versus redhead, (where are all the women hiding in Louisville, sorry.)
Preferences...why didn't I realize that 'til now?
Good listening