Jeff Rowland to what?

I currently own a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier. I'm curious as to what amplifiers I should listen to below 20K, new or used. I'm not unhappy, but I'm curious. The amp will be driving Monitor Audio PL500 II's. The preamp is a Jeff Rowland Corus.

I'd like a y r e very much, but I found the simaudio amps even better. their preamp is phenomenal to but it's 40,000 which I think is crazy.
If you could find a Sim audio W8 on the used market I think you would be extremely happy. The problem is they're so good they don't come up very often. one was just on us Audio Mark but it's gone. That is still one of the top amps in the world.
I am extremely impressed with my EVS 1200 which is dual mono 600/1200 wpc

Try one for grins and giggles. I think you'll be shocked at what ~$2300 can buy

Hello @ricr1,  looks like I missed your old post asking me a comparison of a bridged pair of Rowland M535 with the M625S2...

Unfortunately, as I have no experience with M625 S2, I cannot comment directly on differences in resolution, harmonic rendering, frequency excursion, and audible distortions.

On the other hand, looking at power specifications alone -- bridged M535 delivering about 900w per chassis with 30A peak current per chassis, compared to M625 S2 some 325W / channel, and remembering my original M625 first series, I suspect that M535 might yield a larger stage, images, and authority than M625S2.

It is however reasonable to suspect that M625 S2 would be superior to M535 in Some of the subtler attributes, such as low level resolution and micro dynamics.

Just to give you a totally subjective idea, my bridged pair of M535 delivers some 65% of the resolving power and sublety of my beloved ROwland M925 monos, and some 80% of stage size, at just under 20% of the cost of a pair of M925.... Prety darn good deal, IMO!

Saluti, Guido



I'll be comparing my Rowland 625 S2 amp and Corus preamp to the Vitus Sia 030 and Vitus RI 101 integrated amps.