OCD HiFi Guy has guts

At about 9 minutes 30 seconds, he starts to mod a 20k Vermeer (Audio Aero) DAC. Damn, it takes guts (or something else) to chop up a piece of gear that expensive. OTOH, while he and a lot of people judge the price of a component based on the internals, he can’t figure out why the Vermeer, with relatively little inside, sounds better than the Terminator, which is packed with parts. All this aside, I think Mike is an interesting guy to watch. I don’t think you can judge the quality of components from You tube videos, but his stuff is somewhat entertaining.
So he basically blames the "rolled off" aspect on the tubes not the caps but instead of tube rolling changes the caps? And he changes out the RCA's for NextGens and then can't use the RCA output? That was interesting to say the least.
Guts or maybe just deep pockets. I do find many of his videos informative and occasionally entertaining.
No one claimed he was intelligent. He would get along with Frank! 😁
Entertainment is the comments on youtube where people claim to be able to hear the differences in the mod ... via youtube.