Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)

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Conspicuously missing are the Magnepan 30.7 and the real big SoundLab ESL's.
They all interest me but all too big and bulky not to mention expensive. 
I'm surprised to see so many plain ugly designs amongst that list. Almost as if stupid eye catching at any cost ergonomics was factored in as a key selling point. 

Do high-rolling audiophiles have such little sense of aesthetics? Or is ostentatiousness at-any-cost the main point here?

Amongst that oddball collection I'd only consider #32 Sonus Faber Fenice ($180,000) or maybe the pyramid shaped 
#19 FM Acoustics Inspiration
XS-I (

Or maybe I'd just buy some Tannoy DCs/ Linkwitz Orion's/ Harbeth M40s/ Devore 0-96s or any one of a dozen plausible
<$20k alternatives. 

And a new house to put them in.

Off that list, none at all; most of them were just ugly! If I have the money, I would buy Alsyvox’s Botticelli or Avantgarde Trio XD in a heartbeat.

Thanks for sharing the list, I have a whole new appreciation for my existing speakers.