The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
Good faith is the only guide for you first, and for others after that...Expertise or others experiments and knowledge from others will correct my way if I am of good faith...

In forum politeness is the supreme manifestation of intelligence and an impersonal intelligence is also at play here, not only a personal one...
History favours the bold, not the polite, though politeness is obviously an admirable goal, but to have politeness, one has to be honest, not only with others but with oneself. That honesty, I find more lacking in forums, than politeness. If we cannot be honest and accept our own limitations, then what value politeness?

I would rather someone call me something to my face and let me defend myself, then treat me with complete politeness, while talking behind my back.

To them every piece of equipment and every cable sounds the same, nothing makes a difference besides speakers and we are all wasting our time.
You are wrong @swanlee597 --- speakers are snake oil to these people too. Why pay money for a brand name speaker, when you can buy same drivers online from China on eBay and build your own cabinets? LOL!!

Oh, the acoustic panels. These morons never question those either (mostly due to their Master, The Dr. Ethan Winer). But again, only 10% of them actually have any acoustic panels, and when they do, it's just thrown out there with no rhyme or reason.
Honesty to the point of being offensive, no. Honesty with tact, yes. Huge difference between the two.


  • "These morons never question those either (mostly due to their Master, The Dr. Ethan Winer)."

Perfectly said. Thank you ...
