Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.
I ordered a pair of Mullard CV378s from Mr. Blume.  For good measure, I also ordered a pair of vintage RCA 5u4gbs.  When I scrape together the funds, I will either order a pair of Psvane Black Bottles or the Acmes, based on his recommendations.  @charles1dad I can tell you right now, that I am never turning back.  This may sound cheesy, but this path that I have finally come across has been a life changing experience when it comes to music reproduction.

i believe you tswisla as it happened to me 10 years ago. If Israel likes the Psvane 300b black glass tubes I'm sure you'll be fine.


@charles1dad  From what I understand, there are not many 6EM/A7 choices around.  I dropped in some NOS GEs and they were SUPER hot on the high end.  Almost unlistenable.  The amp came with RCAs.  Before I order a few backups, I wanted to see if you had anything to add.  Thank you.
My 6EM7 are the original ones that came with the amplifier, GE or RCA. Not exactly sure (I’m currently out of town). Which ever they are they’ve been fine and trouble free. The 6EM7 are very long lasting tubes. Mine are 10 years old. I had them tested about 2 years ago and they still tested as new. tswisla you’ll have no worries with the Frankensteins. They have been rock solid reliable while providing superb sound quality. You have the latest MK III model which is probably even better than my MK II.

At this early stage you have already recognized that the Frankenstein and Soul Supremes are a Splendid pairing. All you have to do is just enjoy your music and connect with it. Your sound will continue to improve as the amplifier’s transformers (and various parts) accumulate hours of use/burn-in. Same process is applicable to the speakers. I strongly suspect that your appreciation of your audio system with  grow as time goes by.

Anyone with a Mk III care to add an update on the amp? Has anyone tried Takatsuki 300B tubes?

Thank you.