Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?

Hi there,
I've owned my JC-3 for about two years and have no complaints about it.  It sounds very good, but I'm curious about upgrading to a preamp that would be a significant improvement.  
I've thought about upgrading to a tube phono preamp as I like the warmer sound of tubes and my amplifier is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
Given a budget of around $6K, what would you recommend?  
Dear @snackeyp  : """  as I like the warmer sound of tubes... """

so then that's what you like not MUSIC because MUSIC is all you want it but warm.

Good luck with your warm BAT. Btw, the worst place to have tubes is at the phono audio system link.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Update:  I hooked up the BAT VK-P6SE yesterday and listened to three record sides before unplugging it and packing it up to be returned.  
I'm thoroughly convinced that it's not a good match for my system.  The JC3+ blows it away.  I have to believe this is more to do with the robust loading and gain adjust-ability of the JC3, and the lack thereof in the BAT, but beyond that, I just know it's not right for me.  

I think the Luxman EQ-500 is near your budget. Also, if you don’t need much adjustability, the Boulder 508 is astonishingly transparent. I have one and couldn’t be happier. Find your warmth in the amp or line stage not the phono pre.