Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?

Hi there,
I've owned my JC-3 for about two years and have no complaints about it.  It sounds very good, but I'm curious about upgrading to a preamp that would be a significant improvement.  
I've thought about upgrading to a tube phono preamp as I like the warmer sound of tubes and my amplifier is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
Given a budget of around $6K, what would you recommend?  
Update:  I hooked up the BAT VK-P6SE yesterday and listened to three record sides before unplugging it and packing it up to be returned.  
I'm thoroughly convinced that it's not a good match for my system.  The JC3+ blows it away.  I have to believe this is more to do with the robust loading and gain adjust-ability of the JC3, and the lack thereof in the BAT, but beyond that, I just know it's not right for me.  

I think the Luxman EQ-500 is near your budget. Also, if you don’t need much adjustability, the Boulder 508 is astonishingly transparent. I have one and couldn’t be happier. Find your warmth in the amp or line stage not the phono pre.