Klipsch, introduces The Cornwall IV, and I think it will be a killer !

Being the long time Klipsch lover that I am, I find I read ( from many sources ) about the company and their speaker lines, with most of my interest in the Heritage models, home theater models, and the Cinema models ( those used in theaters, on stages, studios, etc. ) The Cornwall IV, is ready for shipment. I have been waiting years for this design to come to life, specifically, a better, and larger, mid horn, more in line with the current Lascala, and Khorn. Owning Lascalas, and being very familiar with all Heritage models, I can honestly say, in many ways, this mid horn, might, and actually is, superior to the mid horns in my Lascalas. They maybe need to be a bit wider for the LS and KH. I do not feel this way with the Forte III mid horn ( too small for the Lascala / K horn design, but I feel Roy Delgado, Klipsch’s chief engineer, will be working on a new mid horn design, for these two. Getting back to the Cornwall....There are many other new design upgrades Roy has made, and I am thrilled, as I feel, every limitation of the design ( and I do not like using that word, but everything has limitations ), has been answered. I think it will be a hot seller. 6K a pair. It is already on youtube, with an introductory review, and one coming from my old friend Steve Guttenberg, the Audiophiliac. We shall see....I predict all thumbs up....Enjoy! MrD.
Take a look at this review of the Cornwall IV:

"but I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s [Cornwall IV] the best-sounding horn speaker you can buy… at any price." https://positive-feedback.com/show-reports/instant-rmaf-2019-show-impressions/

I wonder if this review has heard Volti's products.  I was blown away by a Volti at AXPONA this year. I'm hoping Klipsch has larger economy of scale and can sell something as good or better than Volti at $6k as opposed to $10-15k.  
The Volti Vittora, with it’s ELF, is a fabulous speaker system / music reproducer. It is quite expensive, and I truly believe, this new CW IV can do much of what this Vittora can do, especially in the typical associated room, with the proper front end electronics. I respect, completely, Greg Roberts, but without PWK and the Lascala / Belle design, I am not sure Mr. Roberts would have come up with this " portable folded horn " design. He, like me, saw the PWK designs as fabulous, and giving credit where credit is due, not everyone has 30 K to spend for speakers. I am not sure what this " larger economy of scale " quote actually means, as I do feel, 6K is a reasonable amount of money, considering what goes into the design, as well as, being fully American made. As inflation has risen, especially in the home audio equipment segment, Klipsch seems to be jumping up in price, at a slower, and lower rate, than many others, and if Klipsch is your cup of tea, it is still, worthy of the asking prices. Buying used, and taking these designs further, as I have been doing, is another way to achieve excellent performance for the dollar. YMMV. Without question, THIS CW, might just be the best, from the Klipsch home Heritage line, per dollar, ever.....A huge upgrade for Heresy III and Forte III owners ( which, btw, are wonderful ).......I have been following the changes and upgrades Mr. Delgado has been doing to all of these designs, so in a way, I have been cheating a little. I would also like to mention, I do not have any monetary involvement with Klipsch, the company, as many people here on the "Gon, have associated " fanboys ", as company / factory representatives.
@jsautter , you are still here ?   You must be a very lonely individual.....
Yes I am very lonely and I am not a gifted nor experienced listener either.

Also you will never find me making assumptions about products which I have not heard. I found the line: "this midhorn, might and actually is, superior than the mid horns in my LaScalas" particularly amusing. 

What I cant figure out is why Klipsch would change a thing. This obviously isnt required. Look how your panties bunch up every time I respond on the "Klipsch lovers only" threads. 

And you dont have to do another of your responses stating the obvious facts that all speakers have problems and that what one likes is best for this person. All of these are givens and understood by all.

Are you under 5' 3" tall?