Take a look at this review of the Cornwall IV:
"but I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s [Cornwall IV] the best-sounding horn speaker you can buy… at any price." https://positive-feedback.com/show-reports/instant-rmaf-2019-show-impressions/
I wonder if this review has heard Volti's products. I was blown away by a Volti at AXPONA this year. I'm hoping Klipsch has larger economy of scale and can sell something as good or better than Volti at $6k as opposed to $10-15k.
"but I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s [Cornwall IV] the best-sounding horn speaker you can buy… at any price." https://positive-feedback.com/show-reports/instant-rmaf-2019-show-impressions/
I wonder if this review has heard Volti's products. I was blown away by a Volti at AXPONA this year. I'm hoping Klipsch has larger economy of scale and can sell something as good or better than Volti at $6k as opposed to $10-15k.