Need a new DAC

The old (15 years?) Chord DAC64 finally expired.  I am looking to replace it  with either a Chord Dave, or an Esoteric D-05X.  Any thoughts or better yet comparisons?
Why spend so much? How about the Topping D50 instead? I personally feel that spending big bucks on a DAC is money wasted! Especially since the low cost DACs have achieved such excellent performance! Of course like so many here snob appeal counts for a lot!
With the budget you have, look at Audio Note. They build NOS ladder DACs which use all tube sections and are extremely musical and non-digital sounding.

Certainly you're aware that there is no shortage of well-regarded DACs available these days. The mind boggles. What fun though, to be in a position to pull the trigger on a new one.
Roberjerman-are you just poking a bear or serious?
The Dave is awesome.  I'd look at some tubes like Border Patrol, Audio Research, VAC or solid state like Bricasti.