The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase

This is tongue in cheek people, so let’s keep the replies light shall we?
The 5 Stages of Making a Bad Audio Purchase:

1. Denial: "My system, which before was of course totally awesome, is now totally awesomer! The sound stage isn’t just 3 dimensional any more, it is 4 dimensional. I can feel fingers sliding across guitar strings, drums are like my head is against the snare, and the bass goes 10hz lower ...."

2. Anger: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T BELIEVE MY SYSTEM WENT FROM AWESOME TO AWESOMER!!!. You obviously have a crap system, your ears are crap, you are just jealous."

3. Bargaining: "Hey, this gadget will make your already awesome system totally awesomer! 60% of MFR list is a great deal for it! That’s 40% off and you don’t even have to pay tax. I am only selling it because I am upgrading to the even awesomer version 2. My loss is your gain."

4. Depression: "I can’t believe I spent $5,000 on this thing ....."

5. Acceptance: "Sure, 75% off list is fair."
Life can be hard, but it's harder when you're poor. Now go away. 

+1 spinaker01
@br3098 , 3/5ths of a mile in 10 seconds, J. Airplane....per your 10 per oz. *G*

Some things never change...;)
And when they do, often not for the better.
On the bright side, now it knocks one into the left field fence. *L*

My issue now is when 'my nose goes up like an infield fly', I'm regarded as some sort of very obscure narcotics officer....

...and I helped to establish 'their lifestyle'!  Punks.....*growl*
I wonder what Elizabeth Kubler Ross would think of this. 
As far as audio is concerned I have died 100 times. Usually, I don't even go for the 30%. I just throw it in the garbage rather than ruin someone else's day. (Ethics in Audio 101) But, the end result is I have the perfect system which means the rest of your's all (Alabama slang) is CRAP :)