The science of opinion ...

Some may find this interesting (it is).

Some may find this threatening (it isn't, it is science).

Some may read it and use it to help them understand the dynamics of internet forums.
Bringing out my handy dandy mirror:

- geoffkait with over 18,000 posts is certainly not here to "learn"- thyname with so many posts in so few days with so few topics ... is not here to learn- uberwalz ... 8,000 posts

I am honest about what draws me to audio-forums; share knowledge, but I will also engage people on discussions of euphonics, i.e. around turntables, etc. trying to gleam some tidbit of knowledge about how to translate what a turntable does, to how people perceive it, and how to adapt that to listening experiences. 

If you have thousands and thousand of posts, you are not here "to learn", you are here to banter, and to tell other people what you know.  I am being honest with myself ... some others should try it sometimes. It will probably make you less angry :-)

I beg to differ.
I have learnt so much from this forum and still do, anybody who thinks they have nothing more to learn is a complete fool to themselves no matter how many posts they have!

Now that would be in " other" forums.

Just look at some of the threads I have created, the vast majority aimed at learning something or another.

As I already stated.
I consider this thread to be pointless, yes, but still of comedic value.
Hence why myself and a few others I suspect are still posting here.
Nothing more on my end except perhaps boredom?

Oh btw it may surprise you to know that whilst one is seated listening to music they can actually simultaneously post here from a mobile device.
So do not credit yourself with thinking people are going out of their way to engage in banter here.

As I said boredom is certainly part of it and amusement as to what some people will say next!

Do not forget opinions are like aholes, everybody has one but at least the latter are useful 100%of the time.
I'm out to, literally. (Yeah, I 'heard' that...)
Existence outweighs Exposition.

But I will return....Curb your enthusiasm. That should be easy.