Looking to improve CD playback

Ok, currently I am using a Arcam DV137 DVD player as a transport into a Bryston BDA-1 DAC via SPDIF coax.

I am considering the purchase of the Mirror Audio Tubador III DAC and the NuPrime CDT-8 dedicated CD transport. I have been keeping up with the threads regarding the Tubador DAC.

The Tubador can be purchased with I2S output via HDMI I believe this is an additional $400 cost to a $1500 DAC. The CDT-8 has I2S output via HDMI. I believe the general consensus is that I2S is the best interlink between digital components however have no personal experience using I2S. I know there are different connection types other than HDMI for I2S however lack knowledge about the benefits of any of the different types. I am looking for feedback on this DAC/Transport combination regarding benefits of the I2S connection provided.  

Obviously, I have options regarding timing of purchases. I could buy a the transport 1st and use SPDIF into my BDA-1 to explore the benefits of the CD only transport over my DVD player. I could purchase the Tubador without I2S at a later date. The Tubador could be updated with I2S at a later date if desired.  There are other transports available.

Any thoughts on this rather open ended question?  

Hope to hear additional thoughts from those experienced with/ interested in, my quest. Leaving for a backcountry excursion with my son. Will get back to all after the 16th. Thanks!
The best transport is no transport.  I suggest a different route, but it may take some work.  Rip your CDs.  Ultimately, better SQ and unbelievable convenience.
Pengun What is a good DVD/CD burner to purchase? My explorations seem to indicate that many do not hold up well.
As an update, I have decided to purchase the basic version of the Mirror Audio DAC w/o the I2S output. Should i purchase a digital input using I2S I will have that added, likely with other mods to it.
I remain looking for a transport.

I intensionally directed my query toward CD playback via transport to maintain focus and because I often like simply select a disc and play it the old fashion way. I stream music using computer. I rip my CDs to computer and playback via PureMusic as AIFF files into a Audiophilleo/PurePower USB/SPDIF converter to my BDA-1 DAC. When the time comes that I identify a file playback system that I find affordable and accommodating to my thought processing I will incorporate one into my system. In the meantime ...

Thanks to all who have helped, and remain seeking additional advise, Mike