Looking to improve CD playback

Ok, currently I am using a Arcam DV137 DVD player as a transport into a Bryston BDA-1 DAC via SPDIF coax.

I am considering the purchase of the Mirror Audio Tubador III DAC and the NuPrime CDT-8 dedicated CD transport. I have been keeping up with the threads regarding the Tubador DAC.

The Tubador can be purchased with I2S output via HDMI I believe this is an additional $400 cost to a $1500 DAC. The CDT-8 has I2S output via HDMI. I believe the general consensus is that I2S is the best interlink between digital components however have no personal experience using I2S. I know there are different connection types other than HDMI for I2S however lack knowledge about the benefits of any of the different types. I am looking for feedback on this DAC/Transport combination regarding benefits of the I2S connection provided.  

Obviously, I have options regarding timing of purchases. I could buy a the transport 1st and use SPDIF into my BDA-1 to explore the benefits of the CD only transport over my DVD player. I could purchase the Tubador without I2S at a later date. The Tubador could be updated with I2S at a later date if desired.  There are other transports available.

Any thoughts on this rather open ended question?  

The best transport is no transport.  I suggest a different route, but it may take some work.  Rip your CDs.  Ultimately, better SQ and unbelievable convenience.
Pengun What is a good DVD/CD burner to purchase? My explorations seem to indicate that many do not hold up well.
As an update, I have decided to purchase the basic version of the Mirror Audio DAC w/o the I2S output. Should i purchase a digital input using I2S I will have that added, likely with other mods to it.
I remain looking for a transport.

I intensionally directed my query toward CD playback via transport to maintain focus and because I often like simply select a disc and play it the old fashion way. I stream music using computer. I rip my CDs to computer and playback via PureMusic as AIFF files into a Audiophilleo/PurePower USB/SPDIF converter to my BDA-1 DAC. When the time comes that I identify a file playback system that I find affordable and accommodating to my thought processing I will incorporate one into my system. In the meantime ...

Thanks to all who have helped, and remain seeking additional advise, Mike
Mike I’m here to tell you stop wasting your time looking for a transport to use , myself having a budget of 6-7 grand to replace my CEC transport in 2018 I listen to a server at 1/4 my budget that eclipsed the performance of the CEC transport.

You need to experience your favourite CDs ripped to a quality server, member Geoffkait brings up the inherent problems player designs at any price will never solve .