Highly efficient speakers to pair with my SET amp

Hi - I'm posting a little shyly, but with the hope that the collective wisdom and experience of Audiogon can help me chase down some speakers to pair with my SET amp.

I'm currently running Paradigms (Studio 60s) with my Almarro 318A (18 wpc). These are my first speakers, and the combination has kept me happy (and rolling tubes, swapping cables, and otherwise delightedly descending into happy audio oblivion) for a year or so. I've rotated among CD players and have had similar levels of happiness from a Jolida JD100 and a Njoe Tjoeb; both are lovely.

As you can see, I'm balancing sound I like with equipment I can afford. Of late, though, I've been seduced by a friend's setup, which features a much more powerful amp (tubed; same goes for his pre-amp), a higher-grade CD player, and much better speakers. I'm wondering if I can approach that level of bliss without (1) chucking the Almarro, which I love; (2) breaking the bank; and (3) ever getting into the 'edgy' danger zone (I definitely fall out on the sweet SET side of the listening world).

On said friend's advice, I'm thinking that the easiest place to start would be to seek speakers with a little more efficiency. I'm wondering if anyone might offer suggestions as to terrific, highly efficient speakers (~92 db?) in (here goes) the under- or near-$2500 range -- or might have another perspective to keep me from, um, 'borrowing' my friend's setup when he's next out of town.

Thanks very much,
Betsy - I may be able to provide suggestions depending on where you are located. For instance, there is a pair of JBL L-200 speakers for sale in Tennessee that would sound good as is and which could be used as the foundation for a world class horn system.....but shipping would be very difficult and expensive.
Near Toronto, Canada, there is an itinerant horn maker who has been in the biz for 30 years and who has heard everything and worked with most of it. He consults for many companies you have heard about but has no desire to be involved in the commercial aspects of consumer audio. He does, however, sell the best horns available today and offer expert advice with an eye toward economy.
There are others.
Emerald Physics open baffle speakers have 92dB+ efficiency and they sound great. I have the KCIIs, which should be awesome with your low powered amp
They have a few pair with Carbon Fiber drivers on sale right now for $1999, including shipping
I owned an Almarro 318B for several years.That was a very good amplifier.They are really more like 12 watts though.They work well with some of the vintage Tannoys.The Tannoy Cheviot [HPD315] for example.Or the Monitor Gold 15.Not the HPD 385 though as the bass can get a bit boomy with them and a SET.Or there are some modern Tannoys which should match well including the reissued Cheviot.Harbeth and Audio Note speakers should also work well.

With a SET you are best off with speakers that are true 8 ohm loads and that do not dip down much below 6 ohms.Avoid 4 ohm speakers.