Brave man, McGowan...

Brave for sure. This will alienate a bunch of people. All cable haters and snake oilers. Very risky business for Paul to post this in public forum. 
I suspect AES has already delved into the dodgy and murky subject of do power cords really make a difference and that the AES sub-committee on Testing Weird Audiophile Beliefs has already established beyond a reasonable doubt that high confidence participants proved that power cords all sound the same in controlled double blind tests.
I was considering purchasing a PS Audio Power Regenerator, but I agree with phomchick190: based on PM's post, either the vaunted claims about their "regenerators" are BS, or he is mistaken about his impression of the Dragon.  I'm left confused.

AES has proven it’s function is to protect the shield, not advance the materials/performance science

I have 20 amp dedicated line for my system. When PSA first introduced the Premier Power Plant, I was a dealer (discount). It developed issues after about 2 years. I sent it back and they rebuilt it, but same issues popped up, hopefully their new line is better built, but even more expensive. I replaced it with Core Power. When I upgraded from a Core Power 1200 PLC to the 1800, they gave me what they said was a ’excellent’ PC. I used it that way, but after awhile I decided to replace it with a $900 Tek Line PC that I owned. Well, my whole system sounded much much better in all 3 dimensions well 4; the smiles factor. They are now providing a better PC

I am going to be evaluating a new Core Power PC (Valiant) direct from Underwood HiFi: they will also be offering a complete line of cables soon

IMHO, Paul should have dropped his prices to wholesale when he chopped off his dealers onions AND he wouldn’t let them sell existing inventory for less (class action anyone?) or return them. No bueno
You're right he is a brave man, he just told the world that his $9999 AC regenerator is a POS.  
I can go along with the idea that any cable carrying signal can and will make a difference (some kinda difference).  But an AC cord is where it stops for me. Unless you're going to rewire all the way from the power station. 
Flame suit on!
" Nothing matters ———-/——-> Everything matters"

"Everything is good 'till it ain't"  Tony Soprano