Turntable Help

Hello Everyone...

I need your help on my turntable. I have a Constance Audio(out of business) turntable and the motor was kinda noisy and I can hear through the speakers. so I decided to open it up to see if I can fix the noise problem. now the motor is not spinning like it use to and the torqe is not as strong. it a tiny motor and has 4 wire coming out from the motor all in same color wires. I got a new motor from ebay that cost $8 bucks coming from china and has 5 slots to solder the wires in. I don't know what the 4 wires from my old motor to solder into the new motor. Please shine the light of knowledge. Thank you in advance..
Why not take the original motor to a competent tech who can find out what you did wrong when you "opened it up"? As to the wiring, we have less information than you do. You need to know the previous wiring diagram. Did you take notes or make a drawing, when you fiddled?
ericngo1, It sounds to me like it is time for a new turntable. It does not sound like you have the same motor or it would be wired the same way.
thanks Lewm & mijostyn for ur inputs. I did take notes on the wiring. the 4 wires are the same color. I did a continuity test on the multimeter and 3 of the wire are beeping which mean they are in the same circuit and one is not. I also did ohm test and 3 of the same wire that I did the continuity test have resistance and same one did not. I open the circuit board underneath the table and trace the 4 wire on the circuit board and I see 2 wire (black & red) connect to a round quarter size circuit board that the 4 wire connect to which are heat shrink wrap so I can't see what are the 4 wires label on the round quarter size circuit board. any ideas?