Bookself speaker for Luxman 590 axII

Hi guys I recently bought a Luxman 590 ax II that I use with reference Ensemble speakers. I find it really wonderful I wanted from you advice for bookself speakers to adapt. I also wanted to know if anyone tried to use Luxman as the final amplifier by combining a pre-seen that has this possibility.
Thanks and good music!
The Luxman he is referring to has pre out and also PRE IN to use it as an amp only.  I think he means has anyone used it as an amp with a different pre.
I heard the Rosso Fiorentino - Pienza this past weekend with a class A 35 watt tube amp and it was wonderful. 
Aerial 5T's, Spendors, Harbeths, are all good combos. I have Aerial 5T's w/my Luxman CL38U-SE preamp.