In 45 years, I’ve generally had something between the speakers, either the equipment (including turntable) and/or a TV.
Recently, after reading Get Better Sound, I decided to get everything out of the middle. A formidable task given that my room is 12’ W X 11’ L. I have no Wife Acceptance Factor so the result is not pretty. I did it in phases, first removing the TV and consolidating the racks, then I listened. There was a distinct improvement in the stereo image and sound stage. Now everything is gone from between the speakers. The racks are on the side and the only thing between the speakers is a large window covered by a mattress pad.
The results have been phenomenal. Live jazz is literally staged in the club as if I were sitting front and center. My reference records have never sounded so good. When I listen to the better recorded and mixed rock n’ roll I am hearing things like never before, like I have a new system, it’s so compelling. Live rock is in the hall or auditorium.
I lucked out. Every cable I had already invested in was long enough, so no cable replacement.
I recommend it highly. You’ll be very pleased with the result. I also recommend Get Better Sound by Jim Smith. The guy is a wealth of knowledge and experience and has very practical methods to get better sound. Get the DVDs too, they augment the book very well and bring out a few tricks not in the book.