How do you owners of the Pass Labs int 250 like them?

I’d like to purchase one to drive my Harbeth Super HL 5+ 40th Anniversary speakers. The reviews and comments about them have been overwhelmingly and enthusiastically positive with very few negative comments. And some of those I’ve been a little suspicious of. Anyway, just curious how owners of the int 250 like them?

I’m also seriously considering an MSB DAC/streamer to go with it. They're a little pricey but the one I auditioned sounded soooooooooo good and really added to the SQ of all the amps I auditioned.
Well, kudos to those who feel able to spend $10,000-$20,000 on a DAC. $20,000 is more than I spent on my entire system, and everyone I know thinks I am a nut about high-end audio. The Pass X-250.8 is reasonable by comparison. It can be had brand new for a mere $10,000. Demos are available for $7K.
Luxman 505UXII w/a NAD C658 streamer. The streamer also includes Dirac for room correction. For your Rega P3 the Luxman has an excellent MM/MC phono.
Luxman 505UXII w/a NAD C658 streamer. The streamer also includes Dirac for room correction. For your Rega P3 the Luxman has an excellent MM/MC phono.
Just sold my INT250 and bought the Luxman 509X and couldn’t be happier. While the PL can drive anything you could have effortlessly, something about its performance seemed a bit dry. The Luxman, by comparison, to my ears, is one of the most musical Amps I have ever heard. Additionally, the Luxman has a gorgeous built-in phono stage and a headphone output jack, significantly lighter. The Luxman drives a pair of Harbeth 40.2 speakers.