Looking for inexpensive preamp

So here is the current gear
Paradigm Premier 800F most of the time, sometimes KEF R100 for SpeakersArcam FMJ P35 AmplifiersRotel 1066 Pre-amp
I feel the Rotel is currently the weak link.  Does anyone have any thoughts on a good replacement.  Not afraid of used.
I am considering going to the KEF Q750s but that is still down the road.
I like a warmer sound, I like detail but too bright and I can get annoyed.
Music ranges are all over the board.  Disturbed to Stravinsky.  Although no Rap or Opera.  Prefer Folk and acoustic.

Trying to stay under 1k $$$$
Schiit Freya with some really good tubes? Amperex 6sn7 maybe?.  The Shuguang Black Treasure 6sn7 are big and require a raiser adapter, but they are warm sounding and very nice.



Conrad Johnson PV6?

I second the Schiit Freya with upgraded tubes.
 It's a no-brainer for the money. 
Tortuga Audio still sells an LDR preamp for 1200.00. If your system is passive friendly, you are not likely to duplicate it's performance for many times the asking price.


I should have been clearer about the Brightness.  I did not mean that detail was brightness.  Should have posted as separate statement.  I like a warmer sound.  I like detail.  I don't like really bright sounding.  Thank you for pointing that out.  And thank you all for the comments.  I had actually forgotten about the Freya.