The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!


I have been into hifi for circa 30 years in that time I have never changed the power cords. 

This year I have had a revaluation buying several Mark Grant cables at £75 each and a power block at £150 not a massive outlay but huge benefit. No other changes to my system it just worked beautifully.

System is Melco streamer into exposure dac to Croft epoch elite and croft twin star 1 power amp and piega classic 40.2 speakers with LFD speaker cables. 

I feel very lucky to have such a great sound at home. 

I second  kudelka8.
I use full loom of Lithuanian cables as well. I strongly recommend you try them. The name is Lessloss. Best price/performance ratio.

LOL... umm... I would like to request a section for:

Best Price To Performance Power Cords for Systems that range 10K- and under ???
I’m thoroughly convinced that there arrives a point of diminishing returns, to an even exponential degree. 

It’s relative to your budget and level of control over a space, I suppose? But in my humble setup ....after getting all my interconnects up to decent cabling, I simply upgraded the outlet in the wall feeding my system and paid just $90 for a Wireworld power cable for my Creek, huge difference. Enough so that spending any more may only make things different...not better. The only other major improvement would have to be completely changing the room itself, which is a non-option at this point. And I’m ok with that, as I’m ecstatic at the idea that I’ve constructed an EXCELLENT sounding setup with a very limited allotted budget. That in itself is the glorious result. I would feel the complete opposite if I’d spent a small fortune on only a slightly more effective piece of copper laden in wrapping and jewelry to receive a marginal, even questionable improvement.

I have been putting my new basement system together for a couple of years now, and have recently upgraded interconnects and power cable.
My system: PS Audio Direct Stream DAC w Bridge, wired to router > 
PS BHK Pre > PS BHK 250 stereo amp > B&W N802's > Stereo Paradigm Studio 15 Subs.  Direct line to my PS Audio Power Port Receptacle.  Balanced interconnects and Power Cords from Mark Tunis in Florida, all custom made using silver clad wire.  they are moderately inexpensive for the quality and were a noticeable improvement over the stock power cords and cheap interconnects.  So now that I had settled in with my equipment, I decided to try some 'nicer' interconnects.  I first tried to sets of nicer balanced XLR interconnects.  AQ Colorado, and Shunyata Black Mamba.  I tried these because they were on close out at Music Direct, I could try and return, and they were not stupid expensive.
I loved the Shunyata's, and did not like the AQ Colorado's.  The Black Mambas improved EVERYTHING in my system.  Bass, imaging, soundstage, resolution and WARMTH.  So I sent back the AQ and have the Shunyata Black Mambas and big improvement for a good deal at 300 a pair.  To me that is great price to performance.  But this is a power cable post..  I also recently got an Inakustik 3500p power conditioner.
New company, again not stupid expensive at around $3000, great reviews... and it improved my system again.  But it came with a stock power cable, so..... I talked to Steven at The Cable Company, and he suggested I try a Synergistic Research Atmosphere level 2 (20 amp).  I would have never been drawn to this type of name and technology, and perhaps by reading all the negativity about cables in general it is easy to believe it does not matter that much and stupid to upgrade.  But all I can say is WOW.  Listened last night for hours with my lady, going back and forth with the stock cord and the SR cord from the wall to the 3500p conditioner.  Changed nothing else.  Again, what an improvement.  Heard little tingly things in familiar songs that I had not heard before.  Imaging spot on, soundstage wider and deeper. Clearer.  Stock cable sounded muffled.  Bass and Midrange fuller.  Everything.  So a 1200 cable? (demo at a big discount)  I would have never thought it was worth it.  Value to cost? Totally worth it.  I guess I have about a $20,000 system
and can think of no other upgrade for this cost that has the bang for the buck.  And I plug everything into the 3500p.  Just my experience, sorry for long post!  Anyone around Balt / Washington want to get together a listen?  Ken.