O-10, I suppose it is no surprise, but I could not disagree more with your comment...
**** Old school is the only school", and even you have been confirming this with your posts. ****
Your assessment of the “new” Jazz that I have posted here is your assessment and in no way an indication of any “confirmation” on my part. The first half of your sentence “Old school is the only school” makes my previous point perfectly. This serves as a great segue to my response to you, Alex. That sentence is what I would consider “nonsense” and is along the very same lines as what was the reason for and what I referred to with my previous use of the word “nonsense”. I referred to the assertion that it was “case closed”. Nonsense. Unless there is no possibility of a different viewpoint it is nonsense. Case is not closed.
Now, to your comment, Alex. Don’t be so quick to judge my words to another when your judgment is based on a contradiction.
**** Creative genius...it is definitely the matter of perception and of ones standards ****
If it is, in fact, a matter of personal perception then the case cannot be closed. Don’t you think? That is the contradiction .
**** we are kind of split between the ones who like older stuff more, ****
You make the same mistake that is often made here. Those who like the new stuff, don’t like the old stuff any less.....glass half full. Difference is there is no automatic bias against the new stuff which would be.....glass half empty.
**** still I ve got the feeling that it has not got the ’power’ as ’older’ artists had. ****
That’s the bias.
**** Maybe with time we shall be able to see it better....****
If you truly believe that, then it cannot be case closed. And I do hope you shall be able to see it better.