Whatever you choose to call it (vocal or instrumental), or to like it better or not, it does not matter, because it is excepted in existing form.
Again, I find the words quite suiting, but its just my hubmle opinion.
Frogman, we all have our ways of expression.
Op is sometimes passionate, but its not something new, its his core belifs that he is speaking about.
Personally, I always tend to focus more on ’what the poet ment to say’, rather than on how he said it.
You, on the other hand,should certainly possess the wider perspective since your education and work had gave you the possibility to learn, practice and understand music on scale which is unknown for us,the simple ’aficionados’.
But, as they say, with knowledge comes the responsibility and in this case that (imho) sometimes means excepting the role of enlightener,
which often was and is very ungreateful task.
But, for whatever reasons, you have took it some time ago.
So, I fully understand your reactions, hope that you will be patient and that you will endure doing what you have done for some time, educating us all and trying to show us bigger perspective.
Of course, you should not count on us beeing overly grateful for that (jk)
Simply said,if for nothing else, than for the sake of the knowledge itself, you are not ’allowed’ to respond in a way that you feel that you are adressed, but to always try to speak with arguments first.
It is an interesting subject and if we all keep it civil enough, we all might learn something