I have been at this for over 40 years and owned a Audiostore
digital has come a long way , the recording has a lot to do with any
playback , but apples to apples first using Vacuum tubes in digital is a big plus ,on a quality machine tubes distort with even harmonicsare more forgiving natural sounding to the ear ,that being said the Best Buy for the money and is excellent is the new
Lampizator Amber 3 dac for under $3k none better , enjoy the music.com gave it 5 stars across the board for music quality, instrumental is the cable .i have tried Every brand out there under $1500. Final touch audio Callisto is by far the best in bringing realism to the party. I sold my $6k PS audio dac for the Lampizator , I also bought the $500 Triode Digital power cord it made a very nice improvement all critical components ,and
synergistic research New Orange fuse. They offer a money back
trial on Everything including the dac .
digital has come a long way , the recording has a lot to do with any
playback , but apples to apples first using Vacuum tubes in digital is a big plus ,on a quality machine tubes distort with even harmonicsare more forgiving natural sounding to the ear ,that being said the Best Buy for the money and is excellent is the new
Lampizator Amber 3 dac for under $3k none better , enjoy the music.com gave it 5 stars across the board for music quality, instrumental is the cable .i have tried Every brand out there under $1500. Final touch audio Callisto is by far the best in bringing realism to the party. I sold my $6k PS audio dac for the Lampizator , I also bought the $500 Triode Digital power cord it made a very nice improvement all critical components ,and
synergistic research New Orange fuse. They offer a money back
trial on Everything including the dac .