Ohm Walsh Talls and amplification

Ok, I am perplexed and I would appreciate any feedback you can give me. I am interested in getting a pair of Ohm Tall speakers. Initially (based off from Steve Guttenberg's and Zeos' reviews) i assumed that the 2000s were the ones for me. I don't see where Zeos' or Steve's rooms are any bigger than mine but, I measure the square footage of my room last night and it's only 353 square feet! Zeos himself even said that the 1000s were the correct size for his room, but he just wanted to go bigger. So, my first question is: Can you use a bigger Ohm Tall than what your room requires (as Zeos does)? Also, these speakers seem to love power. Steve drove his with a Mytek amp and a big Pass Labs amp. I cannot afford  Pass Labs and, the Mytek...well, I *could* maybe swing that but, Zeos uses a pair of Crown amps that are not made for audio but for DJs and live entertainers, etc. Obviously, he's very happy with the results. I finally did call John Strohbeen and he confirmed that the Talls love power... he suggested Mytek, Peachtree, certain NAD models, and Emotiva as affordable amps that have good results. I then asked him about Zeos using the Crown amps and he said, "Yeah, that's another way to go that's very affordable." I asked him if the sound was good and he said, "Yeah, it sounds good. In fact, we used something like Crown that here in our factory for quite a while." So, my second question is: what success have you had in the way of amplification with your Ohm Talls? 
I recently went from a SS class a/b amp (Odyssey Stratos upgraded to Kismet Reference) which died to a class D, Arion Audio S500 for my 2000s.  I couldn't be happier.

While I have great respect for John Strohbeen, I disagree with him on a few points.  Rather than place my 2000s close to the front walls, I pull them out into the room a bit.  I do run them with a pair of Vandy subs, though.  Also, while John likes to point out that his speakers sound good with low or mid to fi gear, and they do, IME, they will sound better with better gear.  Every upstream upgrade I have made has improved the sound of the ohms, and not in a subtle way.  So, go with the best amp you can afford now, but upgrade when you can.  I think you'll be glad you did.
@bondmanp your Odyssey died? Don't they have like, an insane warranty? BTW, I have heard nothing but rave reviews about Odyssey gear so I'm really surprised you prefer class D over the Odysseys! Was you Kismet not powerful enough for your 2000s? 
I have a set of Ohm 1000s that I run with a Bel Canto C5i. As mapman noted, this is 60 watts/channel, BUT that is at 8 ohms. The C5i doubles its power output at 4 ohms which is indicative of a very good power supply. My Ohms are 6 ohm nominal loads, which means I have about 90 watts available to power them. I'm not a headbanger in terms of volume.  I have a sound level meter and the mid-80 dB range is very loud for me. I have no problem reaching that level cleanly. I'm very happy with my system.

I use the c5i with my Ohm 100s. Our two setups are very similar then.

Other than absolute volume levels possible, it’s a very hard combo to beat. The sound reminds me a lot of eletrostatic speakers like Quad ESL but with better dynamics and the unique Ohm room filling soundstage and large sweet area of coverage.  Very much like the players are in your room.