What speaker for being close to rear wall?

I'm looking for a speaker that would excel, not just tolerate, being near the rear wall. It needs to be within 12 inches. Don't worry about cost. Also I recently tried Audio Notes so you can leave those off the suggestion list.I don't have symmetrical defined corners. :(


I have a pair of Triangle Celius ES speakers in the living room and they are front ported and sound great 14 inches (back of speaker) from the back wall. They do not really change much on pulling them out further. I have a pair of Triangle Comete monitors in the den also close to the back wall. They come in bordeaux and cognac ( rosewood and cherry) colors and are available on the used market. They are also easy to drive and are far better than their cost would suggest. See reviews.
Omega! Any of the XRS line will do. Louis will also build any of his other designs with a front firing port for close to the wall positioning. Great sound and a 30 return policy.
The Joseph RM7 are front ported and do quite well near walls. Then again I have owned these for a long time, so I'm biased.
front-ported Rega's work well near a wall. I've had the 1's, 3's and 5's in this configuration with good results.