What twoleftears described above as no depth of sound stage I would describe as an accurate sound stage. The Larsen speakers exhibit no audiophile tricks or gimmicks. Also, they can (must) be placed smack against the wall so all you need to adjust is how far apart. Most times proper placement is achieved in five minutes or less.
I sold the Models 4, 6 and 8. The Model 9 was not designed when I decided to get out of the audio business but I understand that they sound great. The Model 4 is a steal, the Model 6 is a very good speaker but the 8 is a remarkable speaker for the price. I sold more Model 8s the other models combined. All models sound similar but there is more goodness as you go up the line.
Downsides: sure, like any speaker not one is perfect for all music, all rooms or all ears. As mentioned, there are no audiophile effects or artifacts. The soundstage is painted as a huge audio mural on the wall behind the speakers. Imaging is good but ot pinpoint, as in a live acoustic performance. And while I played all sorts of music though my Larsens they probably wouldn't be my first choice for heavy rock, metal or electronica.
Great, honest speakers that capture the essence acoustical music better than most. Interestingly, many of my customer that purchased Larsen speakers are/were professional musicians.