Denon DL-103 and Audio Note AN-S2 SUT problem

Hi all. 

So with high hopes of glorious vinyl sound I purchased the Audio Note M6 phono and the AN S-2 L SUT. The pair replaced my M3 Line and a Lehman Black cube phono stage head amp.
Well it didn't work. It sounds like my laptop speakers. No bass, very tinny and almost no gain. Not even listenable.
Is the AN S-2 SUT that poor a match for the Denon DL-103? I am pretty sure I have read that others have used this combination successfully. Even my local dealer said it would be a good match.

Is there a problem with the SUT maybe? 

I am quite disappointed to say the least.

Thanks for any help. 
Thanks very much for your reply. I discussed it with my dealer who are Audio Note dealers. It would seem there is a problem somewhere. Like you said they confirmed that the combination is not the ideal one but it will sound quite good when working properly.
Connection is TT to SUT input
SUT output to M6 phono input.

M6 line inputs all work fine. 

Next I am going to try plugging the TT into the M6 phono to see if the sound is different albeit quieter.

Will post my finding later
So I plugged the TT straight into the Phono.... Same sound quality low gain. I then reconnected the SUT.. Same sound quality and low gain. 

SUT is used. 

Must be that the SUT has an issue.

I will get it checked out.

Thanks for all the advice folks.

After closer reading of your suggestions it could also be the phono stage in the M6 as the sound did not change. 

Post removed 
To be clear, your dealer is a plonker.

The Audio Note ANS2/L has a switchable impedance of 3 & 12 ohms.
The 3 ohm input is for the Audio Note IO cartridge.The 12 ohm input is for cartridges with an internal impedance of 3-4 ohms.

These inputs are both mismatches with the Denon 103 which has an internal impedance of 40 ohms and will result in a sound bright, thin and no body, exactly as you have described in your opening post. They are also mismatches with the Denon 103R which has an internal impedance of 14 ohms.

Even the ANS2/H is problematical.
It is designed for cartridges with internal impedance 3-4 ohms and 15-20ohms.
The Denon 103R ( 14hohms ) will work with the ANS2/H but the Denon 103 (40 ohms) will not work.

In fact none of the current product AN transformers will work with the Denon 103 ( 40 ohms ).

Your cheapest solution is to either get your dealer to replace the ANS2/L with the ANS2/H AND buy a Denon 103R


Buy another SUT that matches your cartridge.