Can you put a Krell in an apartment?

As you see I am a total "goner" living in a cheap apartment with about 50 grand in Audiophile equipment. I am looking at purchasing an old krell "FPB 400 CX" amp that the manufacturer says needs a dedicated 20 amp line. Can you still run this amp off a regular electrical outlet? If you can, will it sound like crap? 
No, you cannot run this amp in your apartment. Take it from one who has had both the FPB 300cx AND the 400cx. I ran my 300cx in a condo and CONSTANTLY was blowing circuits. The 400cx actually has TWO power supplies and absolutely requires a dedicated 20 amp circuit. Given your space, you will absolutely fine with a 300cx and it will sound great. 
There's no big deal about 20 amp. It's used often, especially in kitchens.
In terms of size and weight why would you even want this in a small apartment especially if at some point you want to change things around?
I honestly wish I had the space for something like this but you might see it turn into a major headache physically in spite of it sounding good.

What is the size and weight? It looks like a beast though I bet it sounds great.