Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
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OP has the right ingredients for a fantastic sounding system, add in Jim Smiths excellent book on Get Better Sound and become that setup guru for your room, your system, BTW the Unitiserve can can take you pretty far with HRS isolators, damping brick ( the top cover rings like a bell ), a Linear Power supply ( the Pardo is about $500 ) and getting it on a different circuit than the all analog gear in system.
have fun, 
OP you can post pictures in the Virtual System part of Audiogon:-) looking forward to yours
Urbie most people know that room treatment, cables and electronics are important.

Your line  trial and error is not the best way, means what exactly?

Did Bo magically just know that his particular setup with AQ cables, Monitor audio loudspeakers and whatever he uses would work together without trying that setup which also means that he would have been comparing to other products, most dealers do the trial and error  variation of trying many different components until they find a series of components that work together such as the Vandy, AQ, Ayre combo that seems popular.

When you are using products that are different electronics, different source and cabling unless they are all from the same company you will exactly be trying out these products which is the very definition of trial and error, most people call that testing.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ 

It's proves not proofs. After reading it 5 thousand times I thought some one should tell you since you write it 2 or 3 times in every post.
Maybe one of your many Tru Fi clients can weigh in here about the magic of Tru fi.... Lol.