The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance

This is a journey through real life experiences from you to everyone that cares to educate themselves. I must admit that I was not a believer in power cords and how they affect sound in your system. I from the camp that believed that the speaker provided 75% of the sound signature then your source then components but never the power cord. Until that magic day I along with another highly acclaimed AudioGoner who I will keep anatomist ran through a few cables in quite a few different systems and was "WOWED" at what I heard. That being said cable I know that I am not the only believer and that is why there are so many power cord/cable companies out there that range from $50 to 20-30 thousand dollars and above. So I like most of you have to scratch my head and ask where do I begin what brand and product and what should i really pay for it?

The purpose of this discussion to get some honest feed back on Price to Performance from you the end user to us here in the community.

Please fire away!


This is one thing to eliminate negative bias, that disrupt the process of listening...In that we are on the same page.... All of us wanted to eliminate snake oil or negative illusions...Nobody is against tests...

But it is another thing to negate the role of positive bias in an audio individual history, and reduce that to deception only....Biases are not reducible to be only preferences, because preference is only one of the final conscious products of a long personal complex history of listening processes and this personal history is an objective fact not reducible to be only a temporary negative single illusion or a singular preference only that must be eliminate at all costs ...

Biases are like iceberg surfacing tops, you can eliminate what you see: one of the surfacing tops , not the iceberg... Because the iceberg is the listening process in itself constructing in the waters...
atdavid534 posts11-25-2019 2:06pm
You own speakers, correct? How did you buy your speakers? Did you go to a dealer and asked them to do a quick ABX test for you? Provided that same dealer had all the speakers you wanted to test, AND, the dealer was willing to let you do a "scientifically controlled" ABX test (good luck with that).

Or did you order twenty speakers for deliver in your home, did the ABX test in all of them, then you returned the nineteen losing ones?

I am really curious to find out how you selected your current speakers (provided that you own speakers that is of course).

Thank you
I don’t know if it qualifies for super human hearing but I can hear a mouse fart from 20 feet and yes, I passed a scientifically controlled double blind test. No, wait, it was actually only three blind mice.

OK, let’s get this straight. Am I attacking those who think controlled blind tests are important or valid. Yes. And I think it’s funny. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not. Comedy is subjective, Isn’t that what they say? All of you people, the system that knows so much, you decide what’s right or wrong. The same way that you decide what’s funny or not. 🤗

How do you buy a TV? Most people walk into Target or Best Buy and pick a few TVs in their price range and buy the one with the best picture. Maybe it’s only audiophile who are obsessed with sound and cannot rely very much on their sense of hearing. That would be my guess.