Suggestions for bookshelf speakers that have great dynamics, budget of $500 used.

So I really do not know where to start with bookshelf speakers as not been in the market for any for ever it seems.
This is for a second system where a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 3i are currently doing duty.
Room is largish and open but ultimate sq is not the aim as it is occasional use only, but when I do fire this rig up I usually like to play fairly loud.
Sources are many, fm radio, cassette tape, vinyl and streaming.
I have plenty of horses to feed them so even inefficient models can be considered.
Prefer to buy used as big savings to be had obviously and already broken in.
So suggestions around a maximum price break of $500 used.
Thank you in advance.
Edwinf, please get back to us once you have listened to the Polk's for a while.
I second that on the Polks.
I so very nearly pulled the trigger on a pair on ebay at $534
So $449 shipped is a true killer deal indeed!
Please do report back upon listening although as new you will need break them in but would still love to hear first impressions.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
   I listen to both Monitor Audio bronze and silver floor standers, and I don't find them to be too bright to interfere with enjoying music - perhaps it's system matching but I enjoy MA speakers - granted they are only mid-fi...I bought them not auditioning them before hand because of favorable reviews on an European audio magazine - they gave 5 out of 5 stars at the price point. I admit the silver line tweeter is a bit bright, but I love it for their piercing sound of soprano that goes to my heart...
What are ultimate goals for this speaker purchase ?   Will this be a garage-man cave rock n roll system ?   Do you expect to play challenging, detailed, well recorded music ?     What are your musical tastes ?

Various Klipsch models are probably a default choice.  Hersey would probably be the sweet spot, as a used pair can be found for less than $500 and are easily modified to sound better (if desired).  They are efficient, play to loud db levels, and are very good rock speakers....but not so good with other kinds of music.

If you want a plain head banger pair of speaker, look at Cerwin Vega.  Raw, uncouth, unrefined, but excellent for loud raucous music.

MoR option would be a pair of JBL.  Many choices for less than $500.

Polk can be hit or miss.

If your tastes are more demanding and you listen to acoustic jazz, classical, etc in addition to Rock, then look for a pair of Triangle Titus 202.

Moderate sized boxes, 91db efficient, benign crossover load, and can play loud when connected to low power tubes (in fact they are an EXCELLENT match with tubes).  Outstanding transient response, and reproduction of instruments.  Soundstage space in spades.   Can sound bright, and no bass below about 75 hz (but will couple well to a sub).  

You have a lot of choices.