OMG - I am just investigating ‘tweaks’ to improve my audio system.


i have been been using Audiogon to educate myself on trying to improve my audio systems ( yes I have two systems - one in my main living area and one in my man cave ). I actively buy used equipment on Audiogon and I use the discussion boards to educate myself on how to best improve my sound. I just specifically asked for help on implementing the ‘new orange fuse from SR in my main system on another thread that apparently just got shut down ! To clarify comments made on the thread that is now closed - I am only looking to replace fuses that I have access to on the outside of my system components. I am not opening up any equipment. I am not qualified to do this - I am a Chemist who loves music! Audiogon discussion boards have improved my sound in the last 6 months to a level that is ‘over the Moon great’. I now use Anticable for my interconnects and speaker wire, Furman Elite 15 Power Conditioner, High Fidelity Cables MC 0.5 Power Conditioner.  I upgraded my Maggie 1.6 qrs- they are now Peter Gunned - midrange vocals are the best I have ever heard!

the people hear that have helped me - you know who you are - elizebeth - nonoise - thanks again for the help!

i asked for help directly from Oregonpapa concerning the SR Orange fuse just released - but I got the thread killed I guess - sorry. Not my intent. I just wanted to buy the correct fuse that I can access without opening up my equipment. I listed my specific equipment earlier - but the only fuses I have access to are:

Krell KAV 400 xi - one fuse port labeled AGC 8 - this integrated amp is out of warranty and 9 years old - still sounds great
Maggie 1.7i - type 3AG 4 amp max

any help would be appreciated!

Tom, the best tweak for your audio system is a bottle of wine. The problem with this tweak is everything sounds like ---- the next day.
"Tweaks" in my day were always cheap using everyday items. For example, I wrap masking tape around the glass part of the fuse. Don't let tape touch metal. Big improvement for practically free.

Tom, the best tweak for your audio system is a bottle of wine. The problem with this tweak is everything sounds like ---- the next day.

>>>>I’ll give it a shot. What do you do, pour it on the amplifier?
tom8999 OP
I just wanted to buy the correct fuse that I can access without opening up my equipment.
I am still on the fence and have not ordered anything as yet.
Don’t get sucked in, just use the one that came new with the Krell KAV 400 xi, Krell aren’t stupid they know what works best as they are EE design technicians and not voodooist. Save your money for something real like an equipment upgrade instead.
There’s reason why many of these snake oil fuse threads get shut down.
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