Perfect Path Technologies

Other threads have been focused on one particular product, and I thought it might be appropriate to start a more general one to discuss various current (and future) products from this company. Users of PPT products, and those who are interested in or considering them, please post your experience, thoughts, questions etc.

Lively, spirited dialog is encouraged, but please, be respectful and do not engage in personal attacks on, or disparagement of, other posters. Remember, tolerance is all about how we treat those we disagree with.

I purchased a new home in early October, so I have been in the process of getting my system set up, settled in, and back to where it was before. During that time I had forgotten a little bit how profound the “Perfect Path Effect” is. Does it defy conventional thinking, and easy explanation? Absolutely, but I have proven to myself over and over that it is very real.

All the signal and AC connections in my system were previously treated with Total Contact. It had plenty of time to cure, so I did not reapply it when I set up this time. I have 16 of the original Omega mats, two each under my CD transport, DAC, pre, amp, power strip, on top of my speakers, and on the outside of my breaker box. I have an Alpha card on the back of both speakers, over the crossover. I have StopIts on the unused inputs and output of my pre. I have StopIt ACs in all the unused listening room outlets. The latest addition is a pair of Omega+ mats on the outside of my breaker box.

I could go on and on about natural detail & dynamics, coherence, involvement with, and just plain “realness” of the music, but, in the end, it’s something you have to hear for yourself. I really wish I could have everyone that reads this over to listen with me 🙂


tommylion OP
millercsrbon, I am very grateful that we are able enjoy the benefits of things, without having to know the how or why.

>>>A little curiosity wouldn’t kill you, you know. My least favorite expression is, “Golly, I have no idea how this thing works but works it does!” Oft declared by reviewers, designers, statesmen and philosophers. 

One that I often use is: "I don't know how it works, and I don't care."

I recently received an order of Stop It outlet covers with two E-Cards.I wanted to install the first Stop It on the empty socket for the wall receptacle that feeds my power conditioner. In order to do that, I had to get under my computer desk where room gain makes the bass is very boomy. The bass level dropped a few decibels the instant that the first Stop It was plugged in.I was not expecting any change at all.It was very surprising that one Stop It can have such a powerful impact. I was wondering what the hell happened; it’s just one plug. I split the remaining 8 covers between this room and another room. One E-Card went under the a/c conditioner and the other went on top of the LPS 1.2. The sound became hash with the E-Card on top of the LPS so I put it under the amp. The sound stage was flat but very detailed. I was not impressed with the Perfect Path products at this point.

The next day, the bass came back with a vengeance. My door was rattling at the typical volume level that I listen to. This has never happened before but that wasn’t all. My system’s noise floor has dropped to the lowest point that it’s ever been. Images are 3D! My system was already very dimensional but now it’s 3D squared. There's also a bit of harshness that’s missing. I’ve been trying to track down the source of the harshness for a little while now but it was solved by 9 a/c covers and two belt buckles (E-Cards). These are Twilight Zone tweaks that really work and I get goosebumps when I listen to my system now.