Best Way for my TT to reach my Pre-Amp!?

I have a Rega Planar 3 that sits a few feet too far away to reach my Marantz AV7704 phono stage.

whats the best way to reach my Marantz preamp processor with the short 2 foot phono cables that come with the Rega?

It sounds like rca extensions are going to cause too much capacitance and there is also a difference between phono extension cables and rca cables. Please teach me! 
Thanks Al! I do t know why I didn’t think of getting back to basics. I’ll troubleshoot and report back. 
If you're so concerned about capacitance of your long cables then you'd better buy an MI cartridge that is NOT SENSITIVE to capacitance at all ! 

This cartridge is Grado (for example). My Signature XTZ continue to impress me every day even against some expensive LOMC. 


The TT is turned OFF for the following troubleshooting. 
I play the system fine on every other input. As soon as I turn the input on the Marantz to Phono, there is hum. 
How can this be? 
Pick up the marantz and place it one foot 12 inches in all directions. 
use a temporary stand if you have to. 
Does the Hum change ? 
You need a very well shielded phono rca cable from your tt to your phono input. There must be a third line just for ground (wire). As i said it's a bad idea to use unbalanced phono cable for longer than 1,5 meters (even this is too much). What is your cartridge? 

You can try external phono stage with short cable from tt to this stage and longer cable from phono stage to your line input.