Hey K.....tt, Do you even have speakers??

If so, please enlighten us all as to your current system!  My guess is casio clock radio, on isolation platforms in a tuned room of course!

  I was just reflecting on 9 years of this hobby, and every pair of my 50+ speakers has brought me immense satisfaction.  Why are you so sad and disgruntled but more importantly, if you hate hifi, mainly speakers, why do you come here?

cue crickets...
I have speakers in several rooms in my humble abode.  Each room has gone through a couple of upgrades.  It is not impossible to have a few dozen speakers go through a home over a decade, especially if you are only doing a loaner-demo.  

On another note, I was at my Sister's over the holiday last week, and she has a sign in her kitchen that says something to the effect "If you are a mean person, you don't need to be standing here."  I would suggest that is what this blog needs - mean people don't need to be here - go be mean and nasty and full of sarcasm someplace else.  Good puns are always welcome.

Back to lurking mode.
PK, you are misding something.  I was being ridiculed for owning so many different speakers, not Kenjit.

GeoffKait, was not ridiculing you.  You actually have useful stuff to say... sometimes 😬 

Kenjit, still don’t believe you have any speakers 👎. Just a keyboard and monitor

kenjit, I didn’t ask if the PMCs were perfect. You didn’t answer my question. In fact you have avoided every question asked of you. As expected.