geoffkait ...
Geoff, if I said something really obvious like: "Hey it is raining." Or, "Gee, the sun is out." Would that be considered "shilling" for the weather? Stating the obvious isn't shilling, it is just stating the obvious.
gcdrum ...
Right, and these are the type of folks who will tell you that food is just a "fuel," and that sex is for procreation, never experiencing truly great food ... or ...
- "Side note: Frank, never one to miss an opportunity to shill, jumps right into the fray."
Geoff, if I said something really obvious like: "Hey it is raining." Or, "Gee, the sun is out." Would that be considered "shilling" for the weather? Stating the obvious isn't shilling, it is just stating the obvious.
gcdrum ...
Right, and these are the type of folks who will tell you that food is just a "fuel," and that sex is for procreation, never experiencing truly great food ... or ...