Dynaudio burn in time and how you do it...

Hi Folks,
I just bought a pair of dealer demo (10 hours on them at most...) Excite X 16 Dynaudio speakers, and am wondering how long Dyn's take to burn in, and how you've done it. I have the Ayre/Cardas burn in CD and don't understand which track is good for speaker burn in. Have any of you used it? Or how do you burn your speakers in? Will there be big differences in the Dynaudio's after burning in? Thanks for any input...Brian.
Anyone who doesn’t believe in speaker  break in is a straight up fool. Or trolling for  attention.

Probably also believes the world is flat.
I agree that they will take a good while before sounding their best.  I recently auditioned a pair of Evoke 20 in the local shop and the dealer turned it off after 2 min as we both heard shrill and congested sound with no stage at all.  He had just removed them from the box.  He also sells Magico and part of the service when is actually putting the 200 hours on them in the back room before delivery so when they arrive they are ready to rock!
shrill in sound means only one thing - system mismacth.And usually low-fi ,(cheap speakers paired with good amp) with bad crossover reproduce such sound:)
Life is too short burn in speakers for 500hours:) Better don't buy dynaudio if you don't have high current amp or you will have to burn speaker all your lifetime:) 
Yes from my experience they need burn-in time. For my Sapphires, Dynaudio specifies several weeks running in.
As to amplification, the user manual states: 

quote: Also, as the Sapphire has a relatively high sensitivity, even high quality amps with a low power rating can drive the loudspeaker to yield excellent results. Unquote.

Not sure where the myth originates, that Dynaudios only sound good with high current amps. 
I agree with the "listen to them and don't worry" suggestion. Break-in of any component has to take into account the fact that you're going to personally adjust to the sound anyway. I've had (recently actually) new speakers that just let me down after a while, mostly because the speakers I was replacing were great sounding and were only being replaced because I wanted something with more efficiency. When I put my old speakers back in I thought that the new ones had to go immediately, and they did.