Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load?

Apologies for posting the question twice.  I realize the title of my first post was maybe too limiting.  The forum software won’t let me edit it.

i’ll be using my Krell KAV-250a to drive my Magnepan 3.3r bass panels in an active biamp setup along with a pair of DWM bass panels.  Together they’ll present a 2 ohm impedance load to the Krell.  Can the Krell handle that?
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Panel bass is the best by far. Much lower distortion than a dynamic driver with better bass detail.  Unless you are playing a lot of rap or hip hop dont ditch your bass panels. I would grab a beefier Krell to do the job. Cone subwoofers sound like mid fi. 
Yes I’m interested in seeing what improvements might occur with the bass panels from the 20 series technology supplementing my 3 series Magnepans. I am not presently starved for bass. I love the sound of the bi-amped maggies and REL subs. But I am wondering if there is additional mid-high bass detail I could add without bloating the system. What I’d really like to do is run all 4 channels of the 2 DWM bass panels (probably at a very low volume per each panel), which causes me to consider doing this through a multi-channel amp rather than in parallel.

But of course that begs the question about how to get each bass signal from the active crossover multiplied by 3 to each amp input, and to be able to manage the gain for each input. It’s gonna look like someone’s pro-audio desk.

I didn’t realize the rabbit hole I’d jumped into when I bought those DWMs...

I also have a Classe CA-200.  I think that will handle a 2 ohm load but again not sure how well.  That would put the Krell running the mid/tweeter with the Classe on the woofers.  
Georgehifi,If you go to the anthem website and look at the specs section and look under power output at the bottom of the chart it states, Statement P2 and P5 amplifiers are stable into any impedance down to a short circuit at full output. You can also read the reviews where some reviewer placed a fork across the terminals and the fork got hot and vibrated until it fell off but the amp never shut down but just kept playing.
Yes it's not that they can drive big current down to a short, it has protection circuits that either switch the amp off during a shorted output or severely current limit it's output, not a great thing it's said for sound quality.
As you'll find amps like Agostino, Gryphon, Krell, ect ect don't use these types of circuits as they are said to be detrimental to the sound, but then they can also blow up if shorted.

Cheers George  
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