Tube amp forethought

Hello, im researching my retirement two ch audio system and tube amps are in the forefront of my “wants” my plan will be a pair of QUAD ESL’s not sure which just yet

What do i need to know about maintaining a tube amp, like a AudioResearch 120 for starters or other tube amps. Biasing is totally new to me. Tube life and modes (triode, Pentode, UltraLinear) all foreign to me.

im a 40 year hobbiest so im pretty versed, this is just an unknown territory for me, thanx guys !

Kinda seems like this thread dropped off the face of the earth. Here's my .02 - I put together a retirement system incorporating tubes (in the preamp) and Quad ESL 2805 speakers. I previously used ESL 63 speakers, and they are wonderful. After some futzing around with SS power amps I put a Quad 909 in the system to power the 2805s because it won't be destroyed when I trigger the clamp circuit. I also use and enjoy an Innersound Electrostatic amp, which is capable of driving rediculously low impedences. It is a Beast with loads of instantaneous power but it doesn't like dumping all its power in a microsecond when the clamp boards are triggered.
For high volume listening (ya' know, when ya' just gotta get above, 95 db or so) I use JBL 4430 studio monitors. Which are just about perfect "all rounders". Yes I know there are other speakers out there that equal or better the JBLs.
It seems the OP wasn't buying the tube lore - posted a few days later looking at a Krell KSA250! 
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