Can two subwoofers reduce a bass problem?


Once I tried to use a subwoofer in my system but my trouble with 48Hz and 127Hz got worse. Maybe I didn't tried enough to find the right place for the sub. Then I read somewhere that the use of two subwoofers could reduce the trouble with room nodes. Can this be true? Has anyone here experienced this?
48 and 127 are peaks and a actually have a dip at 70.
EQ; from where do I get an analog (I'm listening much on LP:s too) mastering EQ cheap? I can't ruin the sound with some cheap budget EQ.

A strange thing happend when I replaced my old Supra Annorum speaker cable to Kimber 8TC. Besides giving a more open, wider sounstage with a tighter bass the problem with the bass peaks also was reduced. Now it's more like the peaks has become more narrow.

I'm looking at REL T5i and REL T Zero and wonder if I get a better result with two T Zero than one T5i. With two T Zero I might counteract my bass problems a bit, but on the other hand I will not get a real low bass.
With a T5i I will get low bass but maybe it will increase the bass problem again.

My smallish room is not just a listening room so I can't just put four subwoofers anywhere and build bass traps or a Helmholtz.

Now I remember why I bought a new headphone amp and new headphones:)
I know there are a lot of advocates of multiple subs, something I will try one day.
But right now I have a single Martin Logan 10 inch sub complimenting my Maggie's and I think it sounds PDG.
Of course until I try two I will never truly know but I do believe one can work in the right room and set up.
Get a miniDSP equalizer on the sub only. You'll love it. :)

Don't try to fix the null too much. If it resists, leave it alone, but clipping the peaks and tilting the bass the right direction (peaking around 20hz, about 1.5 db/octave down after that) will be incredible. :)
oh, I mean, without bass traps, nulls are hard to fix. If you get some, then you should find the nulls are easier to pry.

As for which, for RCA connections:

For balanced:
The HD part means 96/24 sampling is used.
