What are the best Room Accustic Treaments members have found?

I  am looking into adding some room acoustic treatments to my room.  I am just looking for advice on some simple room treatments that fellow members found worthy of purchase. 
Before I invested in GIK panels I rolled up a thick foam mattress cover (cut in half) and propped/tied them up in various spots to get an idea of the effects.The same could be done with a rock wool panel.Straddling the corners had the most effect,especially close to the ceiling.If that works for you they absolutely won't be noticeable at all.
If you decide on diffusion or panels on the walls both are easily made to become part of the decor.The panels can be ordered with art prints of your choice.

GIK did not charge me for consultation and the panels are returnable.Look around their site and of course other companies.You can send pictures,diagrams,and frequency measurements to help the people at the companys give an informed opinion.Best of luck!
Synergistic Research HFT may transform your room, but they probably don't do much to improve the acoustics.

Funniest thing I read here in a long time. Much as I'd love to write, just have to sit back and revel in the absurdity. Thanks. Made my day.
As you add treatments, be careful not to add too much absorption without some diffusion as well. Combination products, such as the GIK Alpha series or RPG's BAD panels or any ASC product, will give a more pleasing acoustic result, in my experience, than simply adding panels made with fiberglass, rockwool, or foam and without any reflective elements.
Has anyone tried Stillpoint Apertures??

they seem super interesting as a smaller scale intervention...

"Official Site of Stillpoints - Stillpoints Aperture" / stillpoints

❝When using conventional acoustic panels made of typical absorbing materials, there will be only one volume level at which the absorbing material will control the acoustic energy within the room adequately. (This is a static system.) At volumes above that level, you would need more absorption. At volumes below that level you will have too much absorption and the room will sound lifeless, dark, and dull. The Stillpoints Aperture utilizes a blend of absorption materials, and a unique design of internal chambers to trap acoustic energy.❞
