Curious about cable elevation.
Does entire length of cable need to be elevated to hear improvements?
Don't think I elevate part of cable that runs underneath cabinet.
Also, would placing wire on top of plastic sleeve or long piece of wood work? Or, do you need to elevate from discrete points, like Cable Elevators?
Friend of mine answered this one recently. I was going left to right removing one at a time gently letting the CTS cable go to the carpet. There's 3 Cable Elevators on each side, plus two smaller but very similar ceramic insulators holding the cable up the first little bit from the amp. I hate to belabor it but finger counting, harder on some than you'd think. Anyway my friend noticed right away, said each one got a little worse. I never really paid attention since being bent over between and behind the speakers what are the odds? But once I did listen sure enough it was that noticeable. Every single one makes a difference. So the answer is no not the whole length but the more the better.
I know, bad enough some guy says you can hear a difference when the whole cable is elevated. But just one foot? On just one side? All I can say is: try it and hear for yourself.
Before Cable Elevators I tried a few things like cups, books, wood, and even BDR Those Things, little 3" square carbon fiber footer pads. (You can see them here in this 15 years old photo. Also some OC test panels, as well as finished DIY OC corner tunes covered in fabric.) all worked, all close enough I don't recall any being best, until Cable Elevators which are a whole lot better than anything else. Other than another ceramic insulator that is. They are all very effective. That's why I say go on eBay, buy whatever ceramic insulator looks good to you. They all work about the same so you can go by price and appearance.
How many you need depends a lot on your cables. Mine are stiff enough to span about 2 feet. At that spacing the cable lays almost flat, hardly any sag. But that's just what I like. The neat thing is you can listen and work this stuff out for yourself.