Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking

Got a great little digital setup, enjoying the sound Ive been getting. But I had been craving a better DAC, maybe a really nice CD transport, player, SACD...etc.

Instead of going down the typical rabbit holes (where I inevitably be traveling), decided I’d try some silly tweaks and pluggin options?

Got a Raspberry Pi/Allo Digione with usb storage plugged in for files to play, into a cheapo Schiit Audio Modi Uber II, into a Creek Evolution 50A into some used Tekton Lore Reference, decent but very affordable cabling throughout thanks to Zu Audio.

Sound/resonance isolation a starting point, my daughter has an impressive rock collection, where she “loaned” me a perfectly sized rock to set atop the Modi, which I had already set upon some Hudson hifi feet. Also placed these feet under the Allo Digione. Then, downloaded a CD player plugging (Nanomesher) for the Digione that accommodates a cheap external CD/DVD drive via usb.

Stuck the CD player atop a dense little package box.

I cant even begin to describe the improvements...through CD player compared to ripped tracks from the same cd, more soundstage, depth, clarity, tone... mid bass has more color, definition and richness. Every clicky inadvertent texture is heard. Can hear Piano hammers lifting, releasing. Can differentiate the change in tone color and spit moving across a saxophone reed, you name it...all without being too harsh or clinical. I had already had the Hudson feet before using the rock and box, which suggests the cheapest mods worked the real magic here.

What gives? Didn’t expect this. Thought I was just grasping at the ridiculous...what will happen when I can actually allow myself to spend real money? Or do I have to? Thinking not?

Curious about your stories along these lines...anyone else with obsurd yet wonderful tweaks?
Curious about cable elevation.
Does entire length of cable need to be elevated to hear improvements?
Don't think I elevate part of cable that runs underneath cabinet.
Also, would placing wire on top of plastic sleeve or long piece of wood work? Or, do you need to elevate from discrete points, like Cable Elevators?

Friend of mine answered this one recently. I was going left to right removing one at a time gently letting the CTS cable go to the carpet. There's 3 Cable Elevators on each side, plus two smaller but very similar ceramic insulators holding the cable up the first little bit from the amp. I hate to belabor it but finger counting, harder on some than you'd think. Anyway my friend noticed right away, said each one got a little worse. I never really paid attention since being bent over between and behind the speakers what are the odds? But once I did listen sure enough it was that noticeable. Every single one makes a difference. So the answer is no not the whole length but the more the better.

I know, bad enough some guy says you can hear a difference when the whole cable is elevated. But just one foot? On just one side? All I can say is: try it and hear for yourself.

Before Cable Elevators I tried a few things like cups, books, wood, and even BDR Those Things, little 3" square carbon fiber footer pads. (You can see them here in this 15 years old photo. Also some OC test panels, as well as finished DIY OC corner tunes covered in fabric.)
They all worked, all close enough I don't recall any being best, until Cable Elevators which are a whole lot better than anything else. Other than another ceramic insulator that is. They are all very effective. That's why I say go on eBay, buy whatever ceramic insulator looks good to you. They all work about the same so you can go by price and appearance.

How many you need depends a lot on your cables. Mine are stiff enough to span about 2 feet. At that spacing the cable lays almost flat, hardly any sag. But that's just what I like. The neat thing is you can listen and work this stuff out for yourself.

leave the Daughter out of it. I quit reading all of it.         , Go buy a $400 + usd 
internet switch give it 2 days to warm up   Trust me  you will hear the difference .  Amazing  more so then any hifi Fuse
     let's get that right 
We represent a group of noted physicist, nuclear engineers and chemist, several of whom are Nobel prize winners, who are starting our own online store that will compete with several existing online establishments selling sophisticated tweaks for technically advanced audiophiles (note, please do not purchase any of these products if you do not have the background to safely use them). It has taken many years of research for our team led by a famous industry insider  to develop and bring these patented products to market.
our exclusive product that puts us ahead of the pack, our new line of cable elevators (please note the strategically placed piece of white graphene at the right hand end of the elevator 

@jetter For the win...

Hilarious and on point...not to mention still applicable/functional tweaks all around (that last link was my favorite). 


Although I’m primarily operating through storage and playing CD’s, I was also looking into an internet switch to see what gains could also be made there, as I do stream a bit through the RPI Allo board.

Is $400 really the cheapest way to go? What switches would still apply some benefit on the cheap side?

Thanks again to everyone here for maintaining this discussion!