Cat jumped on turntable

OK, I know the obvious response about this but moving past ditching the cat . . . I was playing my VPI Scout 'table with a Dynavector Karat cartridge when the cat (Jack) leaped onto the 'table.  The tone arm slide across the record and the platter stopped.  After addressing the situation, I didn't see any obvious problems (but I have an untrained eye) and dropped the needle.  The tone arm immediately slide across the record to the center.  Upon reflection, it seemed like the tone arm was light since it moved pretty effortlessly.  Before taking it, I thought I would solicit some thoughts here.
The re-tip with original cantilever is not possible. None of re-tippers have the square shank cantilever if we are talking about early Carat with 2mm short cantilever None of the re-tippers can make square extension to fit new cantilever. The cartridge most likely is as good as the door stopper. Abandon this idea. Also Average re-tip with descent cantilever/stylus at SoundSmith if $400. The cartridge worth $300-$400. You can get plenty on internet. Also if some re-tippers claim they can glue the stylus to existing cantilever- it is impossible to do correct angle and alignment without computer laser alignment. if you agree on conical stylus- then it is possible, but your Karat will sound like 60s Shure.
If looking for budger cartridge new or used- check viraUSA website
Yes sounds like stylus gone at minimum. 
Bad kitty!   I’d raid her catnip fund for the repair cost so she does not do it again. 👌
If it’s any consolation I had cats that devalued my record collection value permanently by sinking their claws into the spines while the records were filed innocently on the bookshelf.  Bad kitty’s!   

Do you let it ride on the Roomba?

If so, then this was an accident just waiting to happen.