Are you Beethoven or Mozart?

"Beethoven music is life itself" Albert Einstein

I have to say I am more Beethoven than Mozart.  I turn pain and suffering into beauty and find beauty in pain and suffering :-)

I'm more Beethoven than Mozart, although of course I like both.

Among Beethoven's symphonies my favorites are numbers 7 and 6, in that order. No pain or suffering in either one :-) (Although some may interpret the famous second movement of no. 7 differently than I do).

-- Al

Much different than R&R preferences. The actual artists are performing their compositions, which makes all the difference.

Classical, it’s all in the intrepetation thru the conductor/orchestra.

There’s a dull 5th or Tocatta and Fugue, and there "take your breath away" versions.

I do believe one must remember papa Haydn influenced both of them.
Beethoven by some margin for me. Especially his piano sonatas and piano trios. On occasions his symphonies. I lean to the odd numbered ones, especially 5 and 7. 

Almarg, pain and suffering in Beethoven? I must have missed it, but then I've been conditioned by Mahler. :-)
@newbee My comment about pain and suffering was of course in reference to what was said in the OP, which in turn had been concluded with a smiley :-)  

Best regards,
-- Al